HOME GROUP NEWS The leaders of the Dongguan CPPCC National Committee visited and visited Taicang Yanghong
The leaders of the Dongguan CPPCC National Committee visited and visited Taicang Yanghong

On July 26, Jiang Xiaoyu, deputy secretary and deputy secretary of the Dongguan Municipal CPPCC Committee, led a delegation of the Dongguan Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference to visit Taicang Yanghong for investigation and investigation, and Lin Haichuan, chairman of Hongchuan Wisdom, received and accompanied him.

The delegation visited the Taicang Yanghong Wharf, the reservoir area and the “HI! Trinity” exhibition hall. Chairman Lin Haichuan gave a detailed introduction to the company's current production and operation and organization, and conducted in-depth exchanges with the delegation. And explore.

After the visit, Deputy Secretary Jiang expressed his affirmation to the company's management and steady development. At the same time, he also gave an evaluation of the company's corporate culture construction and party building work, and encouraged the company to strictly control the safety, make persistent efforts in development, and strive for excellence in management. Create more value for shareholders and society.