HOME GROUP NEWS The first innovation seminar of the trade sector was successfully concluded
The first innovation seminar of the trade sector was successfully concluded

In order to keep up with the rapid development of the times and adapt to changes in the internal and external environment, on August 2, the company's trade section organized the first business model innovation seminar, Wu Zhiguang, vice president of the trade section, and heads of various departments attended the seminar. meeting.

Before the seminar, Vice President Wu Zhiguang emphasized the importance of innovation and put forward requirements for the innovation of the trade sector. Then Wu Zong, the senior assistant of the chairman and vice president of the Innovation Research Institute, explained the core strategy of business model innovation. Li Minfeng, senior manager of the president's office, gave a brief training on brainstorming practices and principles.

The seminar was held in an easy and efficient atmosphere. The participants brainstormed on topics such as business model innovation, increased performance, and accelerated development. A total of 17 constructive proposals were proposed.

After the meeting, Vice President Wu Zhiguang proposed to conduct a small-scale evaluation and discussion on various proposals, and feedback to the various units to promote the pilot program in each unit, and expressed that the innovation seminar became one of the daily management tasks. Held once a month.

The successful convening of this seminar will definitely promote the innovation work of the trade sector to be more focused, more systematic and normalized, and help the company to break through the business bottleneck and achieve higher quality development.