Taicang Yanghong and Taicang Environmental Protection Bureau jointly launched the “5.15” emergency environmental emergency drill

       In order to enhance the awareness of safety and prevention, improve emergency response capabilities, strengthen self-rescue and rescue skills for various disasters, and improve rapid response capability, emergency rescue capability, and coordinated combat capability, on May 15, Taicang Yanghong and Taicang Environmental Protection Bureau jointly An emergency drill for environmental emergencies was carried out. Experts from the Suzhou Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center, Taicang Environmental Protection Bureau, Gangkou District Environmental Protection Bureau, Taicang City Environmental Monitoring Brigade, Seven Party Building Units, Five Neighboring Units, and Executive Vice President of Hongchuan Smart East China Operations Center Manager, Taicang Yanghong senior deputy general manager Sun Gang and more than 70 people participated in the exercise.

       This exercise was conducted by Sun Gang as the general commander of the exercise. In order to simulate the methanol leakage of the T801 tank in the Taicang Yanghong 8# tank area, the specific command decision was made to show that after the unexpected event, Taicang Yanghong was the main body. How to rescue and report the danger to the environmental protection, safety supervision and other government departments in the initial stage and inform the surrounding enterprises to take precautions. At the same time, the command center and the Taicang Port Protection Monitoring Squadron and other relevant units will work to get the work to reduce the hazards of the emergency. lowest. Through practical exercises, the complexity, relevance and compoundity of emergencies are highlighted, reflecting the ability of each unit to respond quickly to emergencies.

       After the drill, Yin Zhenhua, director of the Suzhou Environmental Emergency and Accident Investigation Center, commented on the drill, affirming the urgency and stability of the responsible personnel during the entire drill. The emergency drill was practical and practical; the emergency command was organized, the emergency team was rich in actual combat capability, and the linkage mechanism with the government was better; the whole process was compact and realistic, and the division of labor between the enterprise and the government department was clear. The drill was successfully completed.

       In the future, the company will continue to adhere to the concept of safe production, build a long-term safety and prevention mechanism, carry out safety education activities and emergency drills, improve our safety and environmental protection capabilities, and enhance the environmental awareness of all employees. (图文/秦晓杨)
