Taicang Yanghong’s third healthy walk was successfully held

        On May 18th, Taicang Yanghong organized employees to carry out the third healthy walking activity with the theme of “I am happy in sports” at the Tiangang Lake Park in Taicang. The whole journey is about 10 kilometers, the senior vice president of Hongchuan Wisdom, the chairman and general manager of Taicang Yanghong, Huang Yuntao, the senior deputy general manager of Hongchuan Wisdom Business Center and the general manager of East China Business Center Lu Xiongwen and the staff representatives of various departments. A total of nine participants from the team participated in the event. After you chased after the fierce competition, the team of the operation team won the championship.

        The event demonstrated the company's strong corporate culture and employees' positive and optimistic attitude towards life. Everyone said that participating in this activity not only can find fun and relax from exercise, but also further enhance the communication and communication between colleagues, help to strengthen the company's cohesiveness and centripetal force, and motivate employees to participate in sports activities, better Contribute to the building of the enterprise. (图文/周云燕)
