"Inheriting the spirit of selling cigarettes. Sharing non-toxic life" Guangdong Province National Anti-drug Project Humen 180th anniversary of the sale of cigarettes was successfully held

       On June 3rd, “Inheriting the spirit of selling cigarettes. Sharing non-toxic life” was held at the Humen Opium War Museum in the 180th anniversary of the anti-drug project in Guangdong Province. Vice Governor, Director of the Provincial Anti-Drug Committee, Director of the Public Security Department Li Chunsheng, Deputy Director of the National Anti-Drug Office and Deputy Inspector of the Anti-Drug Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security Gao Wei attended the event and delivered speeches. Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Government, Qi Feng, Deputy Director of the Provincial Anti-Drug Committee, Director of the Anti-Drug Office, Deputy Director of the Public Security Department, Lin Weixiong, Deputy Secretary of the Dongguan Municipal Committee, Mayor Xiao Yafei, relevant leaders of the provincial and municipal anti-drug committees, Guangdong Hongchuan Group Co., Ltd. Wu Zhiguang, vice president of the company, general manager of Dongguan Hongchuan Chemical Supply Chain Co., Ltd., and president of Dongguan Yizhi Chemicals Management Association, volunteers, teenagers and representatives from Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao attended the event.

       In order to expand the influence of Dongguan Easy Toxic Chemicals Management Association, raise the awareness of enterprises on the standardized management of precursor chemicals, and enhance the awareness of drug control among the people, the Association set up the Association's publicity exhibition area in the national anti-drug propaganda and interactive experience area to carry out the easy-to-manufacture Chemical-themed thematic events. During the event, Wu Zhiguang led the members of the board of directors to interact with the citizens and students, actively distributed promotional materials, promoted the spirit of selling smoke in Humen, and popularized the expertise of precursor chemicals to further enhance their awareness of poisoning, anti-drug and anti-drug.

       On the day of the event, Wu Zhiguang was invited to interview by CCTV. He introduced the basic situation of the association to the society through the media, and said: Dongguan Yizhi Chemicals Management Association plays an important role in the standardized management environment of the city's precursor chemicals industry. Build a bridge of communication between business and government. The Association has continuously absorbed members and gradually stepped onto the right track. It has clear and clear work plans for the future, and is moving toward the goal of the National Excellent Chemicals Management Association and the precursor chemicals promotion base. He hopes that this event will further enhance the visibility of the association and serve as a model for the management of precursor chemicals in the city. At the same time, it will raise awareness among citizens and students about precursor chemicals and jointly create a healthy and long-term good precursor. Chemical industry environment. (Source: Dongguan City, the precursor chemicals management association public number)
