Hongchuan Group Party Committee Launches Red Revolution Learning and Education Activities

        In order to further study and implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress, bearing in mind the revolutionary history and inheriting the red spirit, on December 2nd, the party committee of the Hongchuan Group organized the first, second and third party branch members to be listed as patriotic education bases and revolutionary traditional education. The base of the Guangzhou Conghua Yuntai Mountain Memorial Memorial Tour.

        Through field visits to understand the precious historical pictures and objects, recall the bonfire years of the last battle of the liberation of Guangzhou during the revolutionary period, listen to the revolutionary heroes chasing the enemy forces in Yuntaishan and complete the glorious mission of liberation of Guangzhou, learn the revolution The patriots of the ancestors are not afraid of sacrifice.

        Finally, all party members revisited the pledge of joining the party and expressed their willingness to learn and carry forward the patriotic dedication of the revolutionary martyrs, base their posts, give play to the pioneering role of party members, and firmly establish the "initial heart" and "mission" for the Chinese people to seek happiness and rejuvenate the Chinese nation. ".
